Monday, November 16, 2009

Cats on Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday is when cat lovers get together and blog about their sweet furry babies.  For more, go to

I had some naughty kitties this week:

"Mother, your jacket makes a comfy bed."

Ah, ha!  Caught white-handed, Snowflake!  That's Matthew's gum! 
"But Mom, it tastes so good and refreshes my breath."

Two of the 3 boys just chillin':

Naughty, naughty Lovey at the kitchen sink---This cat has a sink/water OBSESSION!

I have NEVER had a cat pick up another cat's bad habits.  That is, until now:

My mother would die, but that's why they invented cleaning products.  Good thing she won't see this.


  1. Au is a water cat too - but only a few weeks of the year. And then, he wants me to flush the loo for him. Cats have a weird sense of fun.

  2. Too funny!! Our cat ate goldfish today, the snack cracker, not the actual fish!! LOL!!

  3. Muning likes to stay on the sink and drink from the basin. I thought cats hates water. Now lemme see if Prudence will enjoy gums.

  4. Oh I've been having the same problems
    over here. My kitties are knocking
    things over and rough housing a lot.
    It must be November boredom time for
    the kitties! LOL

  5. My cat Akua runs and take a flying leap when I turn on the faucet.

  6. Your kities are good at getting into lots of mischief!

  7. Hahaha, your cats do love the sink a lot!
