I have never been good at change. I like familiarity. I like the people I care about to be close. That is why I didn't go far off to college and why I didn't move far from my parents. I need to be close. But, there comes a time in our lives where we have no control. Such a time has come for me. In the near future my life as I know it will turn upside down. For a year and a half I have been involved in a park ministry to feed the poor and homeless on Sundays. Three of us have done this for the last year. Now, two of the three are moving on to bigger and better things .....in California. It might as well be China. I did not just cook in this ministry with them; my whole social life was wrapped up with these people. Now, it is coming to an end....soon....very soon. I can not afford emotionally or financially to continue. I don't know what I will do. My life will go on, somehow. But it will never be the same. Enriching friendships will fade as distant memories. Promises not to forget will fade with new relationships and adventures. Life will go on..........as the tide ebbs and flows.