Monday, May 24, 2010

Cats On Tuesday

For more cat pics, go to Gattina's

When we came home one day last week, this is the sight that met us when we opened the front door.  Aren't they sweet???

I know what you are thinking, "All her cats do is SLEEP!"  Well, that's largely true.  Humpty Dumpty tends to spend virtually his ENTIRE day on the couch.  He won't even move for me; he will let me slip in behind him and then the two of us "spoon".

To the right, sweet Lovey sleeping on Momma's bed


  1. And what's wrong with a 22 hour nap, pray ??? ;-)

  2. Your guys are no different than mine--nearly 24/7 naps!

  3. Ha ha, they sure get tangled up don't they? Cute pics. :)

  4. I really love these pictures. There is nothing cuter than cats sleeping and snuggling with each other.

  5. Hey Ginger!

    Love your cats.
    what's insurance?:)
