Wednesday, March 21, 2012

That Nasty "C" Word: Cancer

Cancer is a hideous disease.  I have been cancer free nearly five years; you can read about that here.  Then, in January of this year, my dad called.  After a routine colonoscopy my 84 year-old father was diagnosed with the same cancer I had beaten:  colon.  His was on the opposite side than mine and on the wall rather than a tumor that perforated the colon.  On March 1 he had surgery and was home 5 days later.  He will not need chemo.  It is nothing short of a miracle for someone his age to have progressed as he has.  Thank God!

The lesson is to listen to your body. Notice any changes that don't seem right.  When you should have routine tests, have them.  Do not linger.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cats On Tuesday

My cats (most of them) truly LOVE me.  This is what happens everytime I lie down on the couch:

Humpty Dumpty, Miles, and Snowflake (3 of 5)

Humpty Dumpty and Momma

For more cat stories go to Gattina's