Friday, April 28, 2017

God's Timing

Once again, God's timing is impeccable, and this is one of those times I am totally floored that he cares that much about me to speak to me through my guardian angel.  (My guardian angel shall remain nameless, but I'll give one  hint:    He is a student from my first year teaching in 1988.)

The devil has been messing with my mind today.  He tends to do that when I am on the verge of victory in some area.  I decided this afternoon to message said G.A. and ask him and his wife to pray for me.  His response blew me away:  He said, "wow.  5 minutes ago I got a 'you need to call Ms. Williams' as clearly as if you were sitting here next to me....I think we need to talk."

So, talk we did!  I told him what was going on, and he told me just what I needed to hear.  There is NO other explanation of why I would message him right after he had that "feeling/message."  Anyway, the bottom line of the message was for me not to worry, so I won't!.

God's timing is impeccable, but we have to be willing to listen for his voice.

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