Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I usually do not make resolutions because I haven't been able to keep them in the past. However, I have a different outlook this year. This has been the year I finished chemo, had my second (and hopefully last) surgery, and my hair grew back. I am looking forward now. I have just a few resolutions for 2009: (not in any particular order)
  1. Lose the chemo weight. I started chemo 18 months ago at 116 pounds and gained up to 150 during the process. My downfall is sweets. I have not had any since Christmas day and have lost 2 pounds!
  2. Exercise at Curves faithfully 3 times a week
  3. Make a more regimented Bible time daily
  4. Refuse to let work interfere in my life
  5. Put more money to debt relief

1 comment:

  1. That weight loss thing is a real bugaboo isn't it Ginger??? not fun! I think your plan to spend more time with your God will help all the other "resolutions" you have planned.
    It has been so fun to get to know you a bit this year in blogland. I wish you and yours a wonderful spirit filled 2009, lived with intention!
