Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My baby Thumper is in the hospital overnight.  He has had trouble urinating, so we are waiting on the results of the urinalysis.

Update:  Thumper came home after a night in the hospital.  He had feline urinary syndrome (or some such thing).  He and all the others are now on a special (i.e., expensive) vet food for bladder health.


  1. I bed it's "Hills" cat food ! I have to give it for Rosie's "fragile stomac" ! lucky that he has nothing with the kidneys that's always their weak point.

  2. Kristi in PennsylvaniaDecember 18, 2010 at 10:04 AM

    I'm so glad Thumper's okay! I have to have my 3 cats on that special food, too.
