Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not so Frugal: A New Car

I hate it when life happens and we are thrown curve balls.  About three weeks ago my car  started jerking and wouldn't pick up speed well.  Sure enough, it was the transmission.  After a quote of $3000, I  knew I had to get a new car.  Mine was paid off for two years (that was nice!) but had 115,000 miles on it.  I just could not see putting out that kind of money, which I didn't have anyway, to risk something else going wrong.  This is one of the times it sucks to be a single parent with no one around to count on. 

That very day I called Toyota and told them what I wanted and told them to start the paperwork because I would not have a lot of time after school to spend on the purchase.  I can't say I'm happy with a car payment again, but I have something reliable now:

1 comment:

  1. Your new car looks so nice! :)

    thank you for your super kind and always encouraging words on my blog....they are all truly appreciated Ginger! ;)
