Monday, June 14, 2010

Blooming Where You are Planted

I am a follower of, as many thousands of people are.  Crystal's post this weekend really hit home with me.  I must be honest and say I don't really like what I do for a living.....nor do I like where I do it.  Having said that, I *do* believe it is what I am meant to do and I do it very well (by all my evaluations)----I just don't like it.   To me, there is an abundance of unnecessary stress for very little in return.  I believe God used her post "Learn to Bloom Where You are Planted" to speak to me.  For a couple of years I have felt I was where I was meant to be; I just didn't *like* it.  Now, I will try to approach it with a different attitude.

Have you ever felt this way?  While you didn't really like where you were, you knew you needed to *bloom* there?

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