Monday, July 27, 2009

Cat Antics on Cat Tuesday

Miles is my Garfield-personality cat. He is very aloof except when he wants to be petted, and then I better oblige. I just took the electric blanket off the bed, put it in the laundry basket, and was getting ready to wash it. He snagged it for a quick nap first. He did NOT like the flash going off in his eyes.

Do you have any cat antics to share? If so, please leave a link on Mr. Linkey below:


  1. Wow! Your Miles looks (and acts) just like our Memow (named by Em)! She just showed up one day and never left. I figured if she was brave enough to want to stay with 3 dogs (sometimes 4) and 5 kids (lots of times, many more), who was I to make her leave!! She is one cool cat:)

  2. Dirty or clean, laundry is a great napping place !
    I always try not to use the flash with my cats, then they don't run away !

  3. That is a striking pose. My cat stays away from the hamper, but plays with socks.

  4. My one cat Spooky who I take tons
    of pictures of seems to "almost"
    enjoy the camera flash. Soft places
    are all kitties favorite places!

  5. Haha..he still looks so sleepy and looking forward to continue sleeping. That's is definitely cats' favorite pastimes. :)
