Cats on Tuesday are cat lovers who write about their furry babies once a week on Tuesday. For more cat tales, go to
Below: Look at my sweet, beautiful princess. Who would believe she would be a vandal and a thief?
This cat food had not been placed down more than 5 minutes before she struck. I turned my back, and she promptly tore a hole in the bottom.
Well, since the hole was there, she just "HAD" to partake of the food. After I moved the food, her sissy Minnie even got in on what was left below.
Here they are chillin' on the couch, a favorite pasttime of theirs.
That Lovey is a water FREAK!!!!
Isn't he GORGEOUS?!
The new cats Humpty Dumpty and Thumper are having some issues adjusting. Seems Miles has been throwing his weight around (pun intended) being a bully. Humpty is doing well, but Thumper is still very skiddish and hides a lot under my bed; thus, no new pictures of them this week.