Monday, November 2, 2009

Cats On Tuesday

Cats on Tuesday is a bunch of cat lovers who write about their
cats once a week on Tuesdays.  Go to for more cat tales.
Below:  A lazy bunch

Matthew with Lovey

Lovey is beginning to tire of this.

Lovey in my school papers

Lovey had to go to the vet last week, but Snowflake wanted to try out the carrier.


  1. Hahaha, your three cats conquered your bed!

  2. Whose bed did you say it was?? Love the last picture!!!

  3. Hahaha ! Snowflake is a courageous cat ! trying out the carrier, lol !
    The bed is always the best place for ALL cats !

  4. Lovely photos -- I especially liked the one of Snowflake in the carrier. My three won't go near the carrier because they suspect a trap of some sort -- so they would think Snowflake is very brave!

  5. That carrier looks like a cozy place. No wonder that Snowflake would try it.
    Beds are great places for a nap and there is always enough space for all!

  6. That last pic: what a face! Really, really smug :-) Target is now back home and recovering...
